
The Schedule is the place where you can define and view the major jobs taking place in your project.

The Schedule comprises three tabs: the Inputs Tab allows a graphic overview of all the jobs in your project as scheduled before actual simulation; the Scheduled Jobs tab presents these jobs in tabular form; and the In Last Simulation tab (Schedule) shows the performance of these jobs on a simulated timeline.

In these tabs, all jobs defined for the project are considered together, their interrelations and position in the project being displayed in several ways. Access to particular jobs is provided by navigating the tree on the left, by double-clicking on the corresponding job bar or row header, or using the Edit Edit command in the button bar below.

Scheduling and Simulation in PetroVR

PetroVR clearly distinguishes between the scheduling of activities prior to actual simulation and the timeline resulting from that simulation. Scheduled jobs are defined by inputs such as starting date, duration, etc. which are represented in the Inputs Tab and will determine the jobs' actual performance when running the simulation; but that performance, being subject to the rules and contingencies of the simulated world, is only displayed as an output in the In Last Simulation tab (Schedule). Therefore, dates and durations in the first tab are only estimated, and may vary when the actual simulation takes place.